a close up of a person wearing a blue shirt
a close up of a person wearing a blue shirt


Oppose oppressive laws planned for Tasmania

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There are moves to introduce the most oppressive laws ever proposed for Tasmania in the form of Conversion Suppression legislation – with the Premier’s support. 

The Tasmania Law Reform Institute (TLRI) recently released a Report that recommends far-reaching restrictions on your biblical beliefs and even your private conversations on gender and sexuality.

Parents, pastors, medical practitioners, and all Tasmanians would effectively be banned from helping anyone who is struggling with sexuality or gender confusion. If you do, you could be criminalised and deemed a child abuser.

Read More

While ACL does not support any coercive interference with a person’s life, the Report’s recommendations disregard freedom of speech, religion and parental rights. Read more about the many problems with the report. You can also watch this video for more explanation.

Please email the Premier, Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, and your MPs to ask them to conduct a proper inquiry before taking any steps to implement the oppressive laws recommended by the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute.

This is moving quickly so please send your email immediately and share this urgent matter with other Tasmanians. 

Take action today

Using the form below, please write an urgent email – it will only take a couple of minutes. Some wording has been provided for you, but feel free to adjust it as you see fit. Be concise and respectful.

Please note: the salutation at the start and your name at the end will both be appended automatically. Please don’t add these to the letter below, eg please do not address the email “Dear MP’s name”.

When you complete your name and address in the box below, your letter will be directed to the Premier, Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, and all Upper and Lower House MPs. 

Thank you for speaking up about this threat to essential freedoms in Tasmania.